7 New Technical Reports, and a New Paper


Recently, MIRI released 7 brief technical reports that explain several pieces of theoretical progress made at our2013年12月研究研讨会亚博体育官网。Several of these results build on work done at ourJulyNovember2013 workshops, and also on between-workshop research by Paul Christiano, Benja Fallenstein, and others.

To understand these technical reports in context, and to discuss them, please see Benja Fallenstein’s post:Results from MIRI’s December workshop。也可以看看two帖子关于研讨会参与者约翰·贝兹(John Baez)的讲习班。

The 7 technical reports are:

Also,Nik Weaverattended the first day of the workshop, and gave a tutorial on his response paper to Yudkowsky & Herreshoff’stiling agents paper, titled “理性代理机构和正式系统的悖论,这些系统验证自己的健全性亚博体育苹果app官方下载。”Benja Fallenstein对Weaver的“自然主义信任”的想法的评论在这里:AIS中的自然主义信任

Winter 2013 Fundraiser Completed!


Wow! MIRI’s donors just finished our2013 winter matching challengethree weeks ahead of the deadline!

碰巧的是,完成此驱动器的人是Patrick LaVictoire, who says his donation was the product of hisaltruism tip jar习惯。

我没想到会这么快完成筹款活动。基本上,这是因为3:1的“新大捐助者”匹配了比我们希望的要好: this fundraiser brought forthten“new large donors,” an uncommonly high number.

对于那些想知道他们是否应该为Miri或其儿童组织CFAR做出贡献的人,答案现在很明确:请为CFAR’s ongoing fundraiser


Josef Urban on Machine Learning and Automated Reasoning


约瑟夫城市肖像Josef Urban是荷兰Nijmegen的Radbou亚博体育官网d大学计算与信息科学研究所的博士后研究员。他的主要兴趣是开发与大型正式(完全具有语义指定)知识库的组合归纳和演绎的AI方法,例如大型正式陈述的数学定义,定理和证明。这涉及演绎的AI字段,例如自动定理证明(ATP)和归纳性AI字段,例如机器学习。2003年,他制作了ATP和AI方法的最大形式数学语料库 - Mizar库,此后一直在为AI和自动化推理开发第一个方法,系统和基准。亚博体育苹果app官方下载他的机器学习者用于自动推理(Malarea)在2013年通过数学方面的大多数问题解决了大多数问题的大多数问题CADE自动化系统竞赛(CAS亚博体育苹果app官方下载C)。该系统基亚博体育苹果app官方下载于推论新的证据和学习如何基于成功证明指导推理过程的几个积极反馈回路。此类AI方法也被部署为有助于交互式定理的系统亚博体育苹果app官方下载Mizar,IsabelleHOL Light

He received his PhD in Computers Science from the Charles University in Prague in 2004, and MSc in Mathematics at the same university in 1998. In 2003, he co-founded thePrague Automated Reasoning Group,从2006年到2008年,他是迈阿密大学的玛丽·弗里(Marie-Curie)研究员。

Luke Muehlhauser: InUrban & Vyskocil (2013)和其他文章,您在数学的形式化和自动化定理证明中撰写了有关艺术的文章。在我在这种情况下询问机器学习之前,您能否迅速为我们总结一下我们在此阶段可以做什么,而在自动定理证明时可以做什么?

Josef Urban: The best-known result is the proof of the Robbins conjecture found automatically byBill McCune’s system EQP in 1996。Automated theorem proving (ATP) can be used today for solving some open equational algebraic problems, for example in the准循环理论。这种开放问题的证明可能是数千个推论,与数学家产生的证据完全不同。解决ATP问题通常不是“按钮”的问题。它可能需要特定的问题重新进行(通常仅涉及几个公理),适用于ATP,探索适合ATP搜索参数,有时还指导Lemmas(“提示”)的最终证明尝试,这些尝试可用于解决更简单的相关问题。

ATP is today also used for proving small lemmas in large formal libraries developed with interactive theorem provers (ITPs) such as Mizar, Isabelle and HOL Light. This is called “large-theory” ATP. In the past ten years, we have found that even with the large mathematical libraries (thousands of definitions and theorems) available in these ITPs, it is often possible to automatically select the relevant previous knowledge from such libraries and find proofs of small lemmas automatically without any manual pre-processing. Such proofs are usually much shorter than the long proofs of the equational algebraic problems, but even that already helps a lot to the people who use ITPs to formally prove more advanced theorems.

An illustrative example is theFlyspeck(“Formal Proof of Kepler”) project led by Tom Hales, who proved the Kepler conjecture in 1998. The proof is so involved that the only way how to ensure its correctness is formal verification with an ITP. Tom Hales has recently written a300-page bookabout the proof, with the remarkable property that most of the concepts, lemmas and proofs have a computer-understandable “Flyspeck” counterpart that is stated and verified in HOL Light. Hales estimates that this has taken about 20 man-years. Recently, wehave显示that the proofs of about 47% of the 14000 small Flyspeck lemmas could be found automatically by large-theory ATP methods. This means that the only required mental effort is to formally state these lemmas in HOL Light. Again, the caveat is that the lemmas have to be quite easy to prove from other lemmas that are already in the library. On the other hand, this means that once we have such large corpus of formally-stated everyday mathematics, it is possible to use the corpus together with the large-theory ATP methods to solve many simple formally-stated mathematical problems.

Another interesting recent development are ATP methods that efficiently combine “reasoning” and “computing”. This has been a long-time challenge for ATP systems, particularly when used for software and hardware verification. Recent SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theories) systems such asZ3integrate a number of decision procedures, typically about linear and nonlinear arithmetics, bitvectors, etc. I am not an expert in this area, but I get the impression that the growing strength of such systems is making the full formal verification of complex hardware and software systems more and more realistic.

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||MIRI Strategy

It’s been 8 months since ourbig strategic shiftto a focus on Friendly AI research. What has worked well? What hasn’t? What have we learned? In this and several upcoming posts, I’ll provide aqualitative and personal self-review of MIRI in 2013

This review will be mostlyqualitativebecause we haven’t yet found quantitative metrics that do a decent job of tracking what we actually care about (see below). The review will bepersonalbecause MIRI staff have a variety of perspectives, so I will usually be speaking for myself rather than for the organization as a whole.

I’ll split my review into六个帖子: operations (this post),outreach,战略和expository research,Friendly AI research,fundraising,还有我们的mid-2014 strategic plan


  1. 2013 was a big year for capacity-building at MIRI — not so much by hiring more people but by doing more with the people we have.
  2. That said, this progress cost lots of executive time, and I should have been more aggressive about finding ways to accomplish this with fewer executive hours.
  3. 由于(2),我们在指标和系统实验方面的进展并不如我希望在2013年所希望的。亚博体育苹果app官方下载

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New Paper: “Why We Need Friendly AI”


Think journal pageA new paper by Luke Muehlhauser and Nick Bostrom, “Why We Need Friendly AI,” has been published in the latest issue of the Cambridge journalThink: Philosophy for Everyone


Humans will not always be the most intelligent agents on Earth, the ones steering the future. What will happen to us when we no longer play that role, and how can we prepare for this transition?

This paper is copyrighted by Cambridge University Press, and is reproduced on MIRI’s website with permission. The paper appears inVolume 13, Issue 36

MIRI’s December 2013 Newsletter


Machine Intelligence Research Institute

Dear friends,We’re still experimenting with our new, ultra-brief newsletter style. Please tell us what you think of it, by replying to this email. Thanks!

MIRI’swinter 2013 matching fundraiseris on! All donations made by January 15th will be matched by Peter Thiel, with3x matchingfor “new large donors”: if you’ve given less than $5,000 total in the past, and now give or pledge $5,000 or more, your impact will bequadrupled! Reply to this email if you’d like to ask whether you qualify for 3x matching.

Here is a recent snapshot of our fundraising progress so far:

Other News Updates

Research Updates

As always, please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or comments.

Luke Muehlhauser
Executive Director

斯科特·亚伦森(Scott Aaronson)on Philosophical Progress


斯科特·亚伦森(Scott Aaronson)portrait斯科特·亚伦森(Scott Aaronson)is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT. Before that, he did a PhD in computer science at UC Berkeley, as well as postdocs at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, and the University of Waterloo. His research focuses on the capabilities and limits of quantum computers, and more generally on the connections between computational complexity and physics. Aaronson is known forhis blogas well as for founding the复杂性动物园(an online encyclopedia of complexity classes); he’s also written about quantum computing for Scientific American and the New York Times. His first book,量子计算以来,今年由剑桥大学出版社出版。他获得了Alan T. Waterman奖,PECASE奖和麻省理工学院的少年Bose卓越教学奖。

Luke Muehlhauser: Though you’re best known for your work in theoretical computer science, you’ve also produced some pretty interesting philosophical work, e.g. in量子计算以来, “Why Philosophers Should Care About Computational Complexity,” and “The Ghost in the Quantum Turing Machine。”You also taught a fall 2011 MIT class on哲学和理论计算机科学

Why are you so interested in philosophy? And what is the social value of philosophy, from your perspective?

斯科特·亚伦森(Scott Aaronson):我总是本能地次大陆所吸引t, most general questions that it seemed possible to ask. You know, like are we living in a computer simulation? if not, could we upload our consciousnesses into one? are there discrete “pixels” of spacetime? why does it seem impossible to change the past? could there be different laws of physics where 2+2 equaled 5? are there objective facts about morality? what does it mean to be rational? is there an explanation for why I’m alive right now, rather than some other time? Whatareexplanations, anyway? In fact, what really perplexes me is when I meet a smart, inquisitive person—let’s say a mathematician or scientist—who claims NOT to be obsessed with these huge issues! I suspect many MIRI readers might feel drawn to such questions the same way I am, in which case there’s no need to belabor the point.


But I think the latter question has an excellent answer. A crucial thing humans learned, starting around Galileo’s time, is that even if you’re interested in the biggest questions, usually the only way to make progress on them is to pick off smaller subquestions: ideally, subquestions that you can attack using math, empirical observation, or both. For again and again, you find that the subquestions aren’t nearly as small as they originally looked! Much like with zooming in to the Mandelbrot set, each subquestion has its own twists and tendrils that could occupy you for a lifetime, and each one gives you a new perspective on the big questions. And best of all, you can actuallyanswer的一些subquestions,是第一个人to do so: you can permanently move the needle of human knowledge, even if only by a minuscule amount. As I once put it, progress in math and science — think of natural selection, Godel’s and Turing’s theorems, relativity and quantum mechanics — has repeatedly altered the terms of philosophical discussion, as philosophical discussionitselfhas rarely altered them! (Of course, this is completely leaving aside math and science’s “fringe benefit” of enabling our technological civilization, which is not chickenfeed either.)

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谢谢彼得·蒂尔, every donation made to MIRI between now and January 15th, 2014 will bematched dollar-for-dollar!

Also,gifts from “new large donors” will be matched 3x!That is, if you’ve given less than $5k to SIAI/MIRI ever, and you now give or pledge $5k or more, Thiel will donate $3 for every dollar you give or pledge.

We don’t know whether we’ll be able to offer the 3:1 matching ever again, so if you’re capable of giving $5k or more, we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity while you can. Remember that:

  • 如果您愿意每月付出,没问题!如果您承诺每月捐款6个月,那么您的6个月承诺将是要匹配的捐款金额。因此,如果您每月付出,则只需$ 834/mo即可获得3:1的匹配(如果您从雇主那里获得匹配,则可以得到$ 834/mo的匹配)。
  • We accept比特币(BTC) and波纹(XRP),两者最近都跃升了。如果您的比特币或波纹的市场价值在您进行捐款之日为$ 5K或以上,这将计算在内。
  • If your employer matches your donations at 1:1 (check这里), then you can take advantage of Thiel’s 3:1 matching by giving as little as $2,500 (because it’s $5k after corporate matching).

Please emailmalo@www.hdjkn.comif you intend on leveraging corporate matching or would like to pledge 6 months of monthly donations, so that we can properly account for your contributions towards the fundraiser.

Thiel’s total match is capped at $250,000. The total amount raised will depend on how many people take advantage of 3:1 matching. We don’t anticipate being able to hit the $250k cap without substantial use of 3:1 matching — so if you haven’t given $5k thus far, please consider giving/pledging $5k or more during this drive. (If you’d like to know the total amount of your past donations to MIRI, just askmalo@www.hdjkn.com


$ 62.5K



$ 250K

We have reached our matching total of $250,000!

Now is your chance todouble or quadruple your impactin funding our亚博体育官网


How Will Marginal Funds Be Used?

  • 雇用友好的AI研究人员亚博体育官网, identified through our workshops, as they become available for full-time work at MIRI.
  • Runningmore workshops(next one begins12月14日), to make concrete Friendly AI research progress, to introduce new researchers to open problems in Friendly AI, and to identify candidates for MIRI to hire.
  • Describing moreopen problems in Friendly AI。Our current strategy is for Yudkowsky to explain them as quickly as possible via Facebook discussion, followed by more structured explanations written by others in collaboration with Yudkowsky.
  • Improving humanity’s战略understandingof what to do about superintelligence. In the coming months this will include (1) additional interviews and analyses on our blog, (2) a reader’s guide for Nick Bostrom’s forthcomingSuperintelligencebook, and (3) an introductory ebook currently titledSmarter Than Us.

Other projects are still being surveyed for likely cost and impact.

感谢您对我们的工作的支持!yabo体育官网下载ios ,并抓住比平常更好的机会前进的机会。如果您对捐赠有疑问,请通过(510)717-1477或louie@www.hdjkn.com与Louie Helm联系。