Fundraising success!


我们的2017年筹款活动已经完成!我们已经度过了一个令人难以置信的月份,到目前为止,我们迄今为止最大的筹款活动。超过300位不同的捐助者刚刚结束$2.5M1, doubling our third fundraising target of $1.25M. Thank you!

$2,504,625 raised in total!


我们最大的捐款以以太坊捐赠的形式出现在筹款活动的最后,价值763,970美元,来自以太坊的发明家和联合创始人Vitalik Buterin。Vitalik的捐赠代表了我们迄今为止收到的第三大单一捐款开放慈善项目的125万美元赠款支出in October, and a101万美元的以太坊捐赠in May.

our mid-fundraiser update, we noted that MIRI was included in a largeMatching Challenge:与Ratising有效捐赠合作,专业的扑克球员Dan Smith,Tom Crowley和Martin Crowley宣布,他们将在12月底向Miri和其他九个组织捐款。捐助者帮助我们在2周内获得了30万美元的匹配上限,从而获得了Dan,Tom和Martin的30万美元比赛(谢谢!)。在不到3周内筹集了450万美元(包括比赛)的其他大奖项,其中包括GiveDirectly(捐赠了58.8万美元)和Good Food Institute(捐赠了41.6万美元)。yabo体育官网下载ios

Other big donations we received in December included:

We also received substantial support from medium-sized donors: a total of $631,595 from the 42 donors who gave $5,000–$50,000 and a total of $113,556 from the 75 who gave $500–$5,000 (图形). We also are grateful to donors who leveraged their employers’ matching generosity, donating a combined amount of over $100,000 during December.

66% of funds donated during this fundraiser were in the form of cryptocurrency (mainly Bitcoin and Ethereum), including Vitalik, Marius, and Christian’s donations, along with Dan, Tom, and Martin’s matching contributions.

Overall, we’ve had an amazingly successful month and a remarkable year! I’m extremely grateful for all the support we’ve received, and excited about the opportunity this creates for us to grow our research team more quickly. For details on our growth plans, see ourfundraiser post

  1. The exact total might increase slightly over the coming weeks as we process donations initiated in December 2017 that arrive in January 2018.

End-of-the-year matching challenge!


更新2017-12-27:我们已经超越了第三个也是最终目标,并达到了300,000美元的匹配上限Matching Challenge! Thanks so much to everyone who supported us!


Professional poker players Martin Crowley, Tom Crowley, and Dan Smith, in partnership with Raising for Effective Giving, have just announced a100万美元的匹配挑战并将Miri包括在他们支持的10个组织中!

Give to any of the organizations involved before noon (PST) on December 31 for your donation to be eligible for a dollar-for-dollar match, up to the $1 million limit!

The eligible organizations for matching are:

  • Animal welfare— Effective Altruism Funds’ animal welfare fund, The Good Food Institute
  • 全球卫生与发展反对疟疾基金会,血吸虫病控制计划,海伦·凯勒国际的维生素补充计划
  • Global catastrophic risk— MIRI
  • Criminal justice reform— Brooklyn Community Bail Fund, Massachusetts Bail Fund, Just City Memphis

匹配挑战的网站列出了Miri捐助者的两个选项:(1)捐款, or (2)yabo体育官网下载ios and sending the receipt。We recommend option 2, particularly for US tax residents (because MIRI is a 501(c)(3) organization) and those looking for a wider array of payment methods.

在其他新闻中,我们已经达到了第一个筹款目标($ 625,000)!

We’re also happy to announce that we’ve received a $368k bitcoin donation from Christian Calderon, a cryptocurrency enthusiast, and also a donation worth $59k from early bitcoin investor Marius van Voorden.

在total, so far, we’ve received donations valued $697,638 from 137 distinct donors, 76% of it in the form of cryptocurrency (48% if we exclude Christian’s donation). Thanks as well to Jacob Falkovich for his筹款/匹配帖子本周的舆论发行曲线合理地筹集了超过27,000美元的Miri,包括他的比赛。

我们的funding drivewill be continuing through the end of December, along with the Matching Challenge. Current progress (updated live):

Correction December 17:我以前将Givewell列为符合条件的合格组织之一,这是不正确的。

ML Living Library Opening


更新2021年1月: We’re no longer seeking applications for this position.

The Machine Intelligence Research Institute is looking for a very specialized autodidact to keep us up to date on developments in machine learning—a “living library” of new results.

ML is a fast-moving and diverse field, making it a challenge for any group to stay updated on all the latest and greatest developments. To support ourAI alignment亚博体育官网研究工作,我们想雇用某人阅读有关人工智能和机器学习的每篇有趣的论文,并让我们了解值得注意的发展,包括新技术和见解。

We expect that this will sound like a very fun job to a lot of people! However, this role is important to us, and we need to be appropriately discerning—we do not recommend applying if you do not already have a proven ability in this or neighboring domains.

我们的目标是雇佣富尔语l-time, ideally for someone who would be capable of making a multi-year commitment—we intend to pay you to become an expert on the cutting edge of machine learning, and don’t want to make the human capital investment unless you’re interested in working with us long-term.

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A reply to Francois Chollet on intelligence explosion

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This is a reply to Francois Chollet, the inventor of the Keras wrapper for the Tensorflow and Theano deep learning systems, on his essay “The impossibility of intelligence explosion。”


If you post an argument online, and the only opposition you get is braindead arguments and insults, does it confirm you were right? Or is it just self-selection of those who argue online?

And he earlier tweeted:

Don’t be overly attached to your views; some of them are probably incorrect. An intellectual superpower is the ability to consider every new idea as if it might be true, rather than merely checking whether it confirms/contradicts your current views.

Chollet’s essay seemed mostly on-point and kept to the object-level arguments. I am led to hope that Chollet is perhaps somebody who believes in abiding by the rules of a debate process, a fan of what I’d consider Civilization; and if his entry into this conversation has been met only with braindead arguments and insults, he deserves a better reply. I’ve tried here to walk through some of what I’d consider the standard arguments in this debate as they bear on Chollet’s statements.

As a meta-level point, I hope everyone agrees that an invalid argument for a true conclusion is still a bad argument. To arrive at the correct belief state we want to sum all the valid support, and only the valid support. To tally up that support, we need to have a notion of judging arguments on their own terms, based on their local structure and validity, and not excusing fallacies if they support a side we agree with for other reasons.

My reply to Chollet doesn’t try to carry the entire case for the intelligence explosion as such. I am only going to discuss my take on the validity of Chollet’s particular arguments. Even if the statement “an intelligence explosion is impossible” happens to be true, we still don’t want to accept any invalid arguments in favor of that conclusion.


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December 2017 Newsletter


我们的年度筹款活动是直播。Discussed in the fundraiser post:

  • 消息— What MIRI’s researchers have been working on lately, and more.
  • Goals- 我们计划在2018 - 2019年发亚博体育官网展研究团队2X。如果我们本月筹集了85万美元,我们认为我们可以做到这一点,而不会降至1。5年的跑道以下。
  • 实际的goals— A bigger-picture outline of what we think is the likeliest sequence of events that could lead to good global outcomes.

我们的funding drive will be running until December 31st.

Research updates



||MIRI Strategy,消息



MIRI’s2017年筹款活动is live through the end of December! Our progress so far (updated live):

$2,504,625 raised in total!


Miri是位于加利福亚博体育官网尼亚州伯克利的一项非营利组织,其使命是确保智能的AI技术对世界产生积极影响。您可以了解有关我们的工作的更多信息。Why AI Safety?”或通过Miri执行董事Nate Soares的Google talk on AI alignment

2015年, we discussed our interest in potentially branching out to explore multiple research programs simultaneously once we could support a larger team. Following recent changes to our overall picture of the strategic landscape, we’re now moving ahead on that goal and starting to explore new research directions while also continuing to push on ouragent foundations agenda。For more on our new views, see “人工通用情报没有火灾警报”和我们的2017年战略更新。我们计划在接下来的几周内更多地扩展我们的相关战略思想。

我们的expanded research focus means that our research team can potentially grow big, and grow fast. Our current goal is to hire around ten new research staff over the next two years, mostly software engineers. If we succeed, our point estimate is thatour 2018 budget will be $2.8Mandour 2019 budget will be $3.5M,从2017年的大约190万美元。1


Hitting目标1($625k) then lets us act on our growth plans in 2018 (but not in 2019);目标2($850k) lets us act on our full two-year growth plan; and in the case where our hiring goes better than expected,Target 3($1.25M) would allow us to add new members to our team about twice as quickly, or pay higher salaries for new research staff as needed.

We discuss more details below, both in terms of our current organizational activities and how we see our work fitting into the larger strategy space.

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  1. Note that this $1.9M is significantly below the $2.1–2.5M we predicted for the year在四月份。Personnel costs are MIRI’s most significant expense, and higher research staff turnover in 2017 meant that we had fewer net additions to the team this year than we’d budgeted for. We went under budget by a relatively small margin in 2016, spending $1.73M versus a predicted $1.83M.

    我们的2018 - 2019年预算估计值高度不确定,大多数不确定性来自于我们能够迅速吸引新的研究人员的实质性不确定性。亚博体育官网

  2. This is roughly in line with our experience in previous years, when excluding expected grants and large surprise one-time donations. We’ve accounted for the former in our targets but not the latter, since we think it unwise to bank on unpredictable windfalls.

    Note that in previous years, we’ve set targets based on maintaining a 1-year runway. Given the increase in our size, I now think that a 1.5-year runway is more appropriate.

Security Mindset and the Logistic Success Curve

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Follow-up to:安全心态和普通偏执狂

(Two days later, Amber returns with another question.)

AMBER:嗯,说,珊瑚。当您构建一种全新的系统时,安全心态有多重要 - 例如,您希望它具有某种稳健性的属性,其中一个受到潜在不利优化压力的影响?亚博体育苹果app官方下载

CORAL:How novel is the system?


CORAL:Novel enough that you’d have to invent your own new best practices instead of looking them up?


CORAL:That’s serious business. If you’re building a very simple Internet-connected system, maybe a smart ordinary paranoid could look up how we usually guard against adversaries, use as much off-the-shelf software as possible that was checked over by real security professionals, and not do too horribly. But if you’re doing something qualitatively new and complicated that has to be robust against adverse optimization, well… mostly I’d think you were operating in almost impossibly dangerous territory, and I’d advise you to figure out what to do after your first try failed. But if you wanted to actually succeed, ordinary paranoia absolutely would not do it.

AMBER:在other words, projects to build novel mission-critical systems ought to have advisors with the full security mindset, so that the advisor can say what the system builders really need to do to ensure security.

CORAL:(笑可悲) No.


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(AMBER, a philanthropist interested in a more reliable Internet, andCORAL, a computer security professional, are at a conference hotel together discussing what Coral insists is a difficult and important issue: the difficulty of building “secure” software.)


CORAL:Especially if it’s connected to the Internet, or if it controls money or other valuables. But yes, that’s right.

AMBER:I find it hard to believe that this needs to be a separate topic in computer science. In general, programmers need to figure out how to make computers do what they want. The people building operating systems surely won’t want them to give access to unauthorized users, just like they won’t want those computers to crash. Why is one problem so much more difficult than the other?

CORAL:That’s a deep question, but to give a partial deep answer: When you expose a device to the Internet, you’re potentially exposing it to intelligent adversaries who can find special, weird interactions with the system that make the pieces behave in weird ways that the programmers did not think of. When you’re dealing with that kind of problem, you’ll use a different set of methods and tools.

AMBER:Any system that crashes is behaving in a way the programmer didn’t expect, and programmers already need to stop that from happening. How is this case different?

CORAL:好的,所以……想象您的系统将每次会议进行一千千字节的输入亚博体育苹果app官方下载。(尽管这本身就是我们要提出的一种假设,并问如果它得到了投入的兆字节,但不介意。8,000可能的输入,或大约102,400或者。同样,为了扩展简单的可视化,请想象计算机每秒获得十亿个输入。假设只有一个Googol,10100, out of the 102,400possible inputs, cause the system to behave a certain way the original designer didn’t intend.


AMBER:So you’re saying that it’s more difficult because the programmer is pitting their wits against an adversary who may be more intelligent than themselves.

CORAL:That’s an almost-right way of putting it. What matters isn’t so much the “adversary” part as the optimization part. There are systematic, nonrandom forces strongly selecting for particular outcomes, causing pieces of the system to go down weird execution paths and occupy unexpected states. If your system literally has no misbehavior modes at all, it doesn’t matter if you have IQ 140 and the enemy has IQ 160—it’s not an arm-wrestling contest. It’s just very much harder to build a system that doesn’t enter weird states when the weird states are being selected-for in a correlated way, rather than happening only by accident. The weirdness-selecting forces can search through parts of the larger state space that you yourself failed to imagine. Beating that does indeed require new skills and a different mode of thinking, what Bruce Schneier called “security mindset”.

AMBER:Ah, and what is this security mindset?



CORAL:很多程序员有能力想象广告versaries trying to threaten them. They imagine how likely it is that the adversaries are able to attack them a particular way, and then they try to block off the adversaries from threatening that way. Imagining attacks, including weird or clever attacks, and parrying them with measures you imagine will stop the attack; that is ordinary paranoia.


CORAL:To put it as a platitude, I might say… defending against mistakes in your own assumptions rather than against external adversaries.
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