安全Mindset and the Logistic Success Curve

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琥珀色:GydF4y2Ba嗯,说,珊瑚。当您构建一种全新的系统时,安全心态有多重要 - 例如,您希望它具有某种稳健性的属性,其中一个受到潜在不利优化压力的影响?亚博体育苹果app官方下载GydF4y2Ba

珊瑚:GydF4y2BaHow novel is the system?

琥珀色:GydF4y2BaVery novel.

珊瑚:GydF4y2BaNovel enough that you’d have to invent your own new best practices instead of looking them up?


珊瑚:GydF4y2Ba那是严肃的生意。If you’re building a very simple Internet-connected system, maybe a smart ordinary paranoid could look up how we usually guard against adversaries, use as much off-the-shelf software as possible that was checked over by real security professionals, and not do too horribly. But if you’re doing something qualitatively new and complicated that has to be robust against adverse optimization, well… mostly I’d think you were operating in almost impossibly dangerous territory, and I’d advise you to figure out what to do after your first try failed. But if you wanted to actually succeed, ordinary paranoia absolutely would not do it.

琥珀色:GydF4y2BaIn other words, projects to build novel mission-critical systems ought to have advisors with the full security mindset, so that the advisor can say what the system builders really need to do to ensure security.

珊瑚:GydF4y2Ba(笑可悲GydF4y2Ba) 不。GydF4y2Ba


珊瑚:GydF4y2BaLet’s say for the sake of concreteness that you want to build a new kind of secure operating system. That is不是GydF4y2Ba您可以通过将一位顾问与安全思维方式相连,后者有限的政治资本来试图辩论人们做事。“当您只允许使用镊子触摸砖头时,建造房屋”是一个隐喻。您将需要经验丰富的安全专业人员全职工作。其中三个是共同创始人。尽管即使那样,我们仍可能仍在保罗·格雷厄姆(Paul Graham)的设计悖论领域中运作。GydF4y2Ba


珊瑚:GydF4y2BaPaul Graham’s Design Paradox is that people who have good taste in UIs can tell when other people are designing good UIs, but most CEOs of big companies lack the good taste to tell who else has good taste. And that’s why big companies can’t just hire other people as talented as Steve Jobs to build nice things for them, even though Steve Jobs certainly wasn’t the best possible designer on the planet. Apple existed because of a lucky history where Steve Jobs ended up in charge. There’s no way for Samsung to hire somebody else with equal talents, because Samsung would just end up with some guy in a suit who was good at pretending to be Steve Jobs in front of a CEO who couldn’t tell the difference.

同样,具有安全心态的人会注意到其他人何时缺乏它,但是我担心普通的偏执狂会很难说出差异,这将使他们很难聘请真正有能力的顾问。当然,技术项目背后的大型社会系统中的许多人甚至都缺乏许多好的程序员所拥有的普通妄想症,而最终他们的空虚西服谈亚博体育苹果app官方下载论了很多关于“风险”和“安全”的信息。换句话说,如果我们谈论的是建立安全的操作系统等难度,而您的项目尚未启动亚博体育苹果app官方下载GydF4y2Ba已经GydF4y2Baheaded up by someone with the full security mindset, you are in trouble. Where by “in trouble” I mean “totally, irretrievably doomed”.

琥珀色:GydF4y2BaLook, uh, there’s a certain project I’m invested in which has raised a hundred million dollars to create merchant drones.

珊瑚:GydF4y2BaMerchant drones?

琥珀色:GydF4y2BaSo there are a lot of countries that have poor market infrastructure, and the idea is, we’re going to make drones that fly around buying and selling things, and they’ll use machine learning to figure out what prices to pay and so on. We’re not just in it for the money; we think it could be a huge economic boost to those countries, really help them move forwards.

珊瑚:GydF4y2BaDear God. Okay. There are exactly two things your company is about: system security, and regulatory compliance. Well, and also marketing, but that doesn’t count because every company is about marketing. It would be a severe error to imagine that your company is about anything else, such as drone hardware or machine learning.





琥珀色:GydF4y2BaA lot of times at lunch we talk about how annoying it is that we’ll have to deal with regulations and how much better it would be if governments were more libertarian. That counts as thinking about it, right?


琥珀色:GydF4y2BaI don’t see how we could have a security plan when we don’t know exactly what we’ll be securing. Wouldn’t the plan just turn out to be wrong?

珊瑚:GydF4y2Ba所有初创企业的业务计划都是错误的,但您仍然需要它们,而不仅仅是小说的作品。它们代表了您当前对关键假设的信念的书面形式。写下您的业务计划会检查您当前的信念是否可能是连贯的,并建议首先测试哪些批判性信念,以及哪些结果应引发警报,以及何时落后于关键的生存阈值。这个想法不是您坚持业务计划;正是有一个商业计划(a)检查似乎可以以任何方式取得成功,并且(b)告诉您何时伪造自己的信念之一,以便您可以明确改变计划并适应。您打算在面对新信息时快速修改的书面计划是一回事。GydF4y2Ba不T HAVING A PLAN是GydF4y2Baanother。GydF4y2Ba

琥珀色:GydF4y2BaThe thing is, Iama little worried that the head of the project, Mr. Topaz, isn’t concerned enough about the possibility of somebody fooling the drones into giving out money when they shouldn’t. I mean, I’ve tried to raise that concern, but he says that of course we’re not going to program the drones to give out money to just anyone. Can you maybe give him a few tips? For when it comes time to start thinking about security, I mean.



珊瑚:GydF4y2BaI thought maybe your company merely had a hopeless case of underestimated difficulties and misplaced priorities. But now it sounds like your leader is not even using ordinary paranoia, and reacts with skepticism to it. Calling a case like that “hopeless” would be an understatement.






珊瑚:GydF4y2BaI haven’t met him, so it’s possible you misrepresented him to me. But if you’ve accurately represented his attitude? Then, yes, I did judge quickly, but it’s a hell of a good guess. Security mindset is already rare on priors. “I don’t plan to make my drones give away money to random people” means he’s imagining how his system could work as he intends, instead of imagining how it might not work as he intends. If somebody doesn’t even exhibit ordinary paranoia, spontaneously on their own cognizance without external prompting, then they cannot do security, period. Reacting indignantly to the suggestion that something might go wrong is even beyond that level of hopelessness, but the base level was hopeless enough already.









琥珀色:GydF4y2BaUh, Coral?







珊瑚:GydF4y2BaI’m afraid it is only slightly more probable that Mr. Topaz will oversee the creation of robust software than that the Moon will spontaneously transform into organically farmed goat cheese.

琥珀色:GydF4y2BaI think you’re being too harsh on him. I’ve met Mr. Topaz, and he seemed pretty bright to me.

珊瑚:GydF4y2Ba同样,假设您准确地代表他,Topaz先生似乎缺乏我所说的普通偏执狂。如果他确实具有许多明亮的程序员所具有的认知能力,那么他显然不会对将这种偏执狂的人沿关键维度应用于他的无人机项目充满热情。听起来,Topaz先生没有意识到他缺少某种技能,并且会受到该建议的侮辱。I am put in mind of the story of the farmer who was asked by a passing driver for directions to get to Point B, to which the farmer replied, “If I was trying to get to Point B, I sure wouldn’t start from here.”


珊瑚:GydF4y2Ba“安全心态”似乎是独特的认知才能GydF4y2BaGGydF4y2Ba因素甚至编程能力。实际上,似乎没有人类的天才能够保证您在普通的偏执狂方面熟练。这确实使一些安全专业人员感觉有些怪异,包括我本人 - 许多程序员都难以理解为什么每个人都不能学习编程。但这似乎是一个观察的事实,即普通的妄想症和安全心态都是可以使人脱离的事物GydF4y2BaGGydF4y2Ba因素和编程能力 - 如果不是这种情况,那么互联网将比现在更安全。GydF4y2Ba

琥珀色:GydF4y2Ba您认为,如果我们与其他VCS资助该项目并让他们要求Topaz先生任命一名有关鲁棒性的特别顾问直接向CTO报告,这将有所帮助?对我来说,这在政治上听起来很困难,但是我们有可能摆动它。Once the press started speculating about drones going rogue and maybe aggregating into larger Voltron-like robots that could acquire laser eyes, Mr. Topaz did tell the VCs that he was very concerned about the ethics of drone safety and that he’d had many long conversations about it over lunch hours.


琥珀色:GydF4y2BaPlease don’t just give up! Even if things are as bad as you say, just increasing our project’s probability of being secure from 0% to 10% would be very valuable in expectation to all those people in other countries who need merchant drones.

珊瑚:GydF4y2Ba…look, at some point in life we have to try to triage our efforts and give up on what can’t be salvaged. There’s often a logistic curve for success probabilities, you know? The distances are measured in multiplicative odds, not additive percentage points. You can’t take a project like this and assume that by putting in some more hard work, you can increase the absolute chance of success by 10%. More like, the odds of this project’s failure versus success start out as 1,000,000:1, and if we’re very polite and navigate around Mr. Topaz’s sense that he is higher-status than us and manage to explain a few tips to him without ever sounding like we think we know something he doesn’t, we can quintuple his chances of success and send the odds to 200,000:1. Which is to say that in the world of percentage points, the odds go from 0.0% to 0.0%. That’s one way to look at the “持续失败定律GydF4y2Ba”。GydF4y2Ba


琥珀色:GydF4y2Ba看,我担心,如果Topaz先生首先使用不安全的无人机到达市场,那真的很糟糕。Like, I think that merchant drones could be very beneficial to countries without much existing market backbone, and if there’s a grand failure—especially if some of the would-be customers have their money or items stolen—then it could poison the potential market for years. It will be terrible! Really, genuinely terrible!



珊瑚:GydF4y2BaDamned if I know. I do suspect you’re screwed so long as you can only win if somebody like Mr. Topaz creates a robust system. I guess you could try to have some other drone project come into existence, headed up by somebody that, say, Bruce Schneier assures everyone is unusually good at security-mindset thinking and hence can hire people like me and listen to all the harsh things we have to say. Though I have to admit, the part where you think it’s drastically important that you beat an insecure system to market with a secure system—well, that sounds positively nightmarish. You’re going to need a lot more resources than Mr. Topaz has, or some other kind of very major advantage. Security takes time.

琥珀色:GydF4y2BaIs it really that hard to add security to the drone system?





珊瑚:GydF4y2BaYES. Given that this is a novel project entering new territory, expect it to takeat least两年的时间或更多的开发时间(越来越少)与一个安全性的项目相比,否则具有相同的工具,见解,人员和资源。这是一个非常非常乐观的下限。GydF4y2Ba




珊瑚:GydF4y2Ba… I honestly have trouble seeing为什么GydF4y2Ba你是GydF4y2Baprivileging that hypothesisfor consideration. Robustness involves assurance processes that take additional time. OpenBSD does not go through lines of code faster than Ubuntu.

But more importantly, if everyone has access to the same tools and insights and resources, then an unusually fast method of doing something cautiously can always be degenerated into an even faster method of doing the thing incautiously. There is not now, nor will there ever be, a programming language in which it is the least bit difficult to write bad programs. There is not now, nor will there ever be, a methodology that makes writing insecure software inherently slower than writing secure software. Any security professional who heard about your bright hopes would just laugh. Ask them too if you don’t believe me.


珊瑚:GydF4y2Ba我怕它不仅是可能的,GydF4y2Baextremelycommon in practice, for people to fix all the bugs that are crashing their systems in ordinary testing today, using methodologies that are indeed adequate to fixing ordinary bugs that show up often enough to afflict a significant fraction of users, and then ship the product. They get everything working today, and they don’t feel like they have the slack to delay any longer than that before shipping because the product is already behind schedule. They don’t hire exceptional people to do ten times as much work in order to prevent the product from having holes that only show up under adverse optimization pressure, that somebody else finds first and that they learn about after it’s too late.

It’s not even the wrong decision, for products that aren’t connected to the Internet, don’t have enough users for one to go rogue, don’t handle money, don’t contain any valuable data, and don’t do anything that could injure people if something goes wrong. If your software doesn’t destroy anything important when it explodes, it’s probably a better use of limited resources to plan on fixing bugs as they show up.

…当然,您需要一些安全心态才能意识到哪个软件GydF4y2Ba能够GydF4y2Ba实际上,如果公司默默破坏了数据,并且直到一个月后没有人注意到这一点。I don’t suppose it’s the case that your drones only carry a limited amount of the full corporate budget in cash over the course of a day, and you always have more than enough money to reimburse all the customers if all items in transit over a day were lost, taking into account that the drones might make many more purchases or sales than usual? And that the systems are generating internal paper receipts that are clearly shown to the customer and non-electronically reconciled once per day, thereby enabling you to notice a problem before it’s too late?



琥珀色:GydF4y2BaIf I believed that… well, Mr. Topaz certainly isn’t going to stop his project or let somebody else take over. It seems the logical implication of what you say you believe is that I should try to persuade the venture capitalists I know to launch a safer drone project with even more funding.

珊瑚:GydF4y2Ba嗯,很抱歉对此感到直率,但我不确定GydF4y2Bayou拥有足够高的安全性思维方式,可以识别出比您更好的高管。试图获得足够的资源优势来击败不安全的产品上市,只是您启动竞争项目的一半问题。您问题的另一半是超越了具有真正深厚安全心态的人的先前稀有性,并让像这样的人完全坚定地承诺。或者至少将他们作为一个备受信任的,完全忠诚的联合创始人,他们没有短暂的政治资本预算。我会再说一遍:VCS任命的顾问对于像您这样的项目还不够。即使顾问是一位真正良好的安全专业人员 -GydF4y2Ba


珊瑚:GydF4y2Ba—the person in charge will probably try to bargain down reality, as represented by the unwelcome voice of the security professional, who won’t have enough social capital to badger them into “unreasonable” measures. Which means you fail on full automatic.





珊瑚:GydF4y2Ba…如果您的VC朋友之一是保罗·格雷厄姆(Paul Graham),那也许是。但是在平均情况下,GydF4y2Ba不GydF4y2Ba。GydF4y2Ba

If average VCs always made sure that projects which needed security had a founder or cofounder with strong security mindset—if they had theability要做到这一点GydF4y2Ba即使在他们决定要去的情况下GydF4y2Ba- 互联网再次看起来像是一个截然不同的地方。默认情况下,您的风险投资朋友将被一个看起来非常清醒的人所欺骗,并谈论他对网络安全的关注程度以及该系统将如何超安全并拒绝9000个普通密码,包括30--亚博体育苹果app官方下载此幻灯片上列出的六个密码,VCS将在其上方和AH上,尤其是当其中一个意识到自己的密码在幻灯片上。GydF4y2Ba那GydF4y2Baproject leader is absolutely not going to want to hear from me—even less so than Mr. Topaz. To him, I’m a political threat who might damage his line of patter to the VCs.

琥珀色:GydF4y2BaI have trouble believing all these smart people are really that stupid.


琥珀色:GydF4y2Ba我并不是说我认为每个人身份高的每个人都已经知道深厚的安全技能。我只是很难相信他们一旦被告知就无法快速学习,或者可能无法确定拥有它的好顾问。那将意味着他们不知道您知道的事,看起来很重要,只是……感觉到GydF4y2Baoff对我来说,不知何故。就像,那里有所有这些成功和重要的人,你是说GydF4y2Ba你是GydF4y2Ba更好的GydF4y2Ba比他们GydF4y2Ba,即使具有所有的影响力,他们的技能和资源 -GydF4y2Ba

珊瑚:GydF4y2BaLook, you don’t have to take my word for it. Think of all the websites you’ve been on, with snazzy-looking design, maybe with millions of dollars in sales passing through them, that want your password to be a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. In other words, they want you to enter “Password1!” instead of “correct horse battery staple”. Every one of those websites is doing a thing that looks humorously silly to someone with a full security mindset or even just somebody who regularly readsXKCDGydF4y2Ba。它说,安全系统是由不知道自己在做什么的人建立的,并且亚博体育苹果app官方下载盲目模仿了他们在其他地方看到的令人印象深刻的错误。GydF4y2Ba

你认为可以对他们留下一个好印象呢customers? That’s right, it does! Because the customers don’t know any better. Do you think that login system makes a good impression on the company’s investors, including professional VCs and probably some angels with their own startup experience? That’s right, it does! Because the VCs don’t know any better, and even the angel doesn’t know any better, and they don’t realize they’re missing a vital skill, and they aren’t consulting anyone who knows more. An innocent is印象深刻GydF4y2Ba如果网站需要大写和小写字母和数字的混合GydF4y2Ba和GydF4y2Ba标点。他们认为,运行该网站的人员必须真正介意采取一种不寻常和不便的安全措施。运行该网站的人认为这也是他们正在做的事情。GydF4y2Ba



琥珀色:GydF4y2BaIf that’s all true, then I just don’t see how I can win. Maybe I should just condition on everything you say being false, since, if it’s true, my winning seems unlikely—in which case all victories on my part would come in worlds with other background assumptions.



珊瑚:GydF4y2BaGoodness. I could maybe,maybe看到有人说,一旦在their entire lifetime, for a single unlikely conditional, but doing it more than once is sheer madness. I’d expect the unlikely conditionals to build up very fast and drop the probability of your mental world to effectively zero. It’s tempting, but it’s usually a bad idea to slip sideways into your own private幻觉宇宙GydF4y2Ba当您感到自己受到情感压力时。我倾向于相信,无论遇到什么困难,当我们在精神上生活在现实而不是其他地方时,我们最有可能提出良好的计划。如果事情看起来很困难,我们必须面对成功的困难,以提出一些解决情况的解决方案,而不是决定不困难的情况下的情况,因为那太难了。GydF4y2Ba







If I suggested, indeed, that this scenario might hold generally wherever we demand robustness of a complex system that is being subjected to strong external or internal optimization pressures? Pressures that strongly promote the probabilities of particular states of affairs via optimization that searches across a large and complex state space? Pressures which therefore in turn subject other subparts of the system to selection for weird states and previously unenvisioned execution paths? Especially if some of these pressures may be in some sense creative and find states of the system or environment that surprise us or violate our surface generalizations?

琥珀色:GydF4y2BaI think he’d probably think you were trying to look smart by using overly abstract language at him. Or he’d reply that he didn’t see why this took any more caution than he was already using just by testing the drones to make sure they didn’t crash or give out too much money.

珊瑚:GydF4y2BaI see.


珊瑚:GydF4y2Ba当然!没问题!我只会与Topaz先生见面,并使用口头说服力将他变成Bruce Schneier。GydF4y2Ba



琥珀色:GydF4y2Ba嘿,快点。是认真的吗?GydF4y2Ba那GydF4y2Bahard to bestow exceptionally rare mental skills on people by talking at them? I agree it’s a bad sign that Mr. Topaz shows no sign of wanting to acquire those skills, and doesn’t think we have enough relative status to continue listening if we say something he doesn’t want to hear. But that just means we have to phrase our advice cleverly so that he将要GydF4y2Ba想听!GydF4y2Ba


