What is it?:Eliezer Yudkowsky于2016年5月5日在斯坦福大学发表的演讲符号系统杰出的扬声亚博体育苹果app官方下载器series.


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Notes, references, and resources for learning more are collected here.


最佳的一般介绍是智能人工智能的主题,是尼克·博斯特罗姆(Nick Bostrom)的合理介绍Superintelligence和斯图尔特·阿姆斯特朗的比我们更聪明。有关较短的解释,请参阅my recent guest poston EconLog.

A fuller version of Stuart Russell’s quotation (来自edge.org):


主要关心的不是怪异的新兴意识,而是仅仅是制造的能力high-quality decisions。Here, quality refers to the expected outcome utility of actions taken, where the utility function is, presumably, specified by the human designer. Now we have a problem:

  1. 公用事业功能可能与人类的价值观不完全一致,这(充其量)很难固定。
  2. 任何足够有能力的智能系统都将倾向于确保其自己的持续存在并获取物理和计算资源亚博体育苹果app官方下载 - 不是为了自己的缘故,而是在其指定的任务中取得成功。

A system that is optimizing a function ofnvariables, where the objective depends on a subset of sizek<n,,,,will often set the remaining unconstrained variables to extreme values; if one of those unconstrained variables is actually something we care about, the solution found may be highly undesirable. This is essentially the old story of the genie in the lamp, or the sorcerer’s apprentice, or King Midas: you get exactly what you ask for, not what you want.

艾萨克·阿西莫夫(Isaac Asimov)在1942年的短篇小说中介绍了三种机器人技术跑来跑去。”

彼得·诺维格 /斯图尔特·罗素的报价来自Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach,,,,the top undergraduate textbook in AI.

The arguments I give for having a utility function are standard, and can be found in e.g. Poole and Mackworth’sArtificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents。我在更长的时间内写下规范合理性理性:从AI到僵尸(e.g., inThe Allais Paradoxandzut allais!)。


My discussion of low-impact agents borrows from a forthcoming research proposal by Taylor et al.: “高级机器学习系统的价值一致性亚博体育苹果app官方下载。”有关概述,请参阅影响低on Arbital.



Fallenstein and Soares’ “Vingean Reflection” is currently the most up-to-date overview of work in goal stability. Other papers cited:


有关正交最终目标和融合器乐策略的更多信息,请参见Bost​​rom的“The Superintelligent Will” (also reproduced inSuperintelligence)。Benson-Tilsen和Soares的“”Formalizing Convergent Instrumental Goals” provides a toy model.

微笑最大化器基于比尔·希伯德(Bill Hibbard)的提议。这个示例和尤尔根·施密杜伯(JürgenSchmidhuber)的可压缩性建议在Soares的“”中更全面地讨论了”The Value Learning Problem。”另请参阅arbital页面上的边缘实例化,,,,上下文灾难, 和Nearest Unblocked Strategy

看到Miri FAQand GiveWell’s关于高级AI潜在风险的报告for quick explanations of why AI is likely to be able to surpass human cognitive capabilities, among other topics. Bensinger’s当AI加速AI时注意一般原因期望能力加速,而”在telligence Explosion Microeconomics”探讨了一个特定问题,即自我修改AI是否可能导致AI进度加速。

Muehlhauser notes the analogy between computer security and AI alignment research inAI Risk and the Security Mindset


美里的技术研究议程亚博体育官网summarizes many of the field’s core open problems.

For more on conservatism, see the Arbital postConservative Concept Boundaryand Taylor’s保守分类器。同样在arbital上:介绍mild optimizationand基于ACT的代理


电子邮件contact@www.hdjkn.comif you have any questions, and see亚博体育苹果app官方下载 for information about opportunities to collaborate on AI alignment projects.